Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
Service Description
I have recently received my Level 1 Intern Practioner status for the QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) Foundation as envisioned and pioneered by Dolores Cannon. Dolores spent over 45 years honing this technique and providing healing for many thousands of people around the world. She later started to teach people worldwide how to utilize this in their private. Our beloved Dolores left this world in 2014, but her work is carried on through her daughter Julia Cannon, and the many thousands of practitioners like myself around the world. This work is life changing and of the many modalities I have studied and worked with, I find this work the most amazing. QHHT can bring profound changes into a person’s life AND the beautiful thing is, that it comes directly from the own persons Sub Conscious or Higher Self!
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